Institute of Solid State Physics, Materials Science and Technologies
NAS of Ukraine

acta materialia

Laboratory of strength and plasticity

The main scientific and technological problems - investigation of plastic deformations and structural formations of functionalized and construction materials used in the design of nuclear reactors and extreme environment cryogenic equipment (experiencing large static and cyclic deformations, a wide range of temperatures - including cryogenic, strong magnetic fields, irradiations, and combinations of the above); establishing a relationship between the structure and the mechanical properties for synthesis of materials with exceptional properties, as well as recovery of such properties of the materials degraded during operation.

History of the laboratory.
The laboratory was created in 1965, headed by a DSc (Phys.–Math.), Prof. I.A. Gindin. Between 1989 and 2005 the laboratory was led by a PhD Y.D. Starodubov. A number of well known scientists in the areas of materials science and strength physics were a part of the laboratory throughout its history: Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences I.M Neklyudov; D-sSc (Phys.–Math.) N.V. Kamyshanchenko, V.P. Lebedev, V.M. Macevity, N.K. Nechvolod, V.B Rabuhin.

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