Institute of Solid State Physics, Materials Science and Technologies
NAS of Ukraine

Results of scientific ativity:

  • A standis created and the method of measuring iodine vapor absorption from the ventilated air stream by adsorption filters in conditions of replicating operations of adsorbers АU-1500 on NPP is developed. Technological characteristics of some carbon adsorbents of production of Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Belgium (mechanical strength properties while abrasion, aerodynamic resistance of layer of adsorbent and adsorption capacity on iodine and iodine methyl are studied. Recommendation on the selection of adsorbents for usein adsorbers on NPP are elaborated.
  • The phenomenon of spontaneous and forced magnetostriction, magnetic ordering contribution to the thermal expansion, phase structural changes of temperature and magnetic field, H-T phase diagrams have been studied for yttrium and cerium subgroup rare earth metals;
  • Elastic modulus of single-crystal hafnium, deformed zirconium, massive amorphous and multicomponent eutectoid alloys have been determined. The effect of imperfections of a crystal lattice on the temperature dependence of ultrasonic absorption has been considered;
  • The processes of hydrogen adsorption and desorption for different Zr-V metal alloys and nanoporous materials were studied;
  • Naturalortho-para conversion in hydrogen in wide region of temperatures, pressures was investigated. Unified equation of state of 3He–4He liquid mixtures over the whole concentration range at temperatures of 2.25–4.2 K and pressures up to 10 MРa was built. The engineering tables of thermodynamics characteristics of the liquid solutions of helium isotopes were created;
  • Technology of renewal of adsorbers АU-1500 of ventilation systems of NPP was developed. Change in the construction of filters and technology of their production was introduced;
  • Cryodistillation and cryoadsorptive technologies and pressure swing method for separation of biogas on main components were developed.

вопросы атомной науки


2016 year

  1. В.В. Левенец, В.И. Соколенко, Э.И. Винокуров, А.Ю. Лонин, А.П. Омельник, Р.М. Сибилева, А.А. Щур. Определение коэффициента поглощения йода углеродными материалами адсорберов систем вентиляции АЭС с использованием стабильных изотопов // ВАНТ. Сер.: Вакуум, чистые материалы, сверхпроводники. – 2016. - (21) №1. - C. 56-60.

2015 year


  1. О.Р. Валіахметов, О.Й. Волчок, Р.М. Галєєв, Р.М. Имаев, В.В. Калиновський, О.В. Мац, В.С. Оковит, В.І. Соколенко, П.О. Хаймович, М.А. Шульгин / ПАТЕНТ на винахід №108318 «Способ обработки титанового сплава ВТ-6». Зареєстровано в Державному реєстрі патентів України на винаходи 10.04.2015, бюл. № 7/2015.
  2. О.О. Великодна, Ю.О. Гордієнко, О.О. Мазілов, Е.В. Саданов, І.В. Старченко / ПАТЕНТ на винахід № 109246 «Спосіб виготовлення вістряного емітера». Зареєстровано в Державному реєстрі патентів України на винаходи 27.07.2015, бюл. № 14/2015.

  1. E.V. Sadanov, T.I. Mazilova, V.A. Ksenofontov, I.V. Starchenko, I.M. Mikhailovskij. Special non-CSL grain boundaries in tungsten: Misorientation distribution and energetic // Materials Letters, 2015, Vol. 145, р. 137-140.
  2. V.I. Sokolenko, A.V. Mats, V.I. Karas’, V.S. Okovit, N.A. Chernyak and V.M. Gorbatenko. Changes in physical-mechanical properties and structure of ferritic-pearlitic steel 15KН2NMFA caused by severe low-temperature deformation and exposure to alternating magnetic field // Journal of Low Temperature Physics / Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 2015, v.41, No.4, pp. 399–404.
  3. T. I. Mazilova, Mikhailovskij, I. M. and Sadanov, E. V. Inherent Strength of Nano-Polycrystalline Materials, in Handbook of Mechanical Nanostructuring (ed M. Aliofkhazraei), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015. Weinheim, Germany, v.1, p. 67-80.
  4. P.A. Khaimovich. Metal Nanostructuring through Cryodeformation under All-Round Compression. in Handbook of Mechanical Nanostructuring (ed M. Aliofkhazraei), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2015. Weinheim, Germany, pp.435-448.
  5. В.В. Калиновский, М.Б. Лазарева, Д.Г. Малыхин, А.В. Мац, В.С. Оковит, В.И. Соколенко, Л.А. Чиркина. Влияние разных видов деформации на физико-механические свойства ГПУ и ГЦК металлов и сплавов // Успехи физики металлов, 2015, т.16, №1, с.61-84.

2014 year

  1. V.A. Ksenofontov, T.I. Mazilova, E.V. Sadanov, O.V. Dudka, A.A. Mazilov, I.V.Starchenko, I.M.Mikhailovskij, Helium induced reduction of the grain-boundary tensile strength in tungsten // Journal of Nuclear Energy Science & Power Generation Technology, 2014, 3, 1000120 (6pp.).
  2. A.N.Dovbnya, V.I.Sokolenko, E.V.Karaseva, A.V. Mats, V.A.Mats, E.S.Savchuk. Effect of alternating magnetic field on creep of irradiated vessel steel 15Kh2NMFA // ВАНТ. Серия: Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение, 2014, № 2(90), с.39-42.
  3. S. Kotrechko, I. Mikhailovskij, T. Mazilova, O. Ovsjannikov. Strength hierarchy for nano-sized crystals // Key Engineering Materials, 2014, vols. 592-593, pp 301-306.
  4. В.И. Соколенко, М.А. Хажмурадов , Э.И. Винокуров, Т.К.Григорова, Р.М. Сибилева, Д.В. Шаруда, Исследование комплекса свойств адсорбентов, предназначенных для восстановления фильтров систем вентиляции АЭС // ВАНТ. Серия: Физика радиационных повреждений и радиационное материаловедение 2014, № 2 (90), с. 85-88.

  1. V.G. Kolobrodov, V.I. Sokolenko, M.A. Khazhmuradov. Measurement of the efficiency of iodine and iodine methyl vapors absorption from the ventilated airflow. Problems of atomic science and technology, 2009, N5. Series: Nuclear Physics Investigations (52), p. 54-56.
  2. Yu.Ya.Milenko, R.M.Sibileva, M.A.Strzhemechny. Natural Ortho-para Conversion Rate in Liquid and Gaseous Hydrogen. // J. Low Temp. Phys., 1997, 107, № 1/2, р. 77-92.
  3. R. M. Sibileva, L. V. Karnatsevich, M. A. Khazhmuradov and A. V. Meriuz. Unified equation of state of 3He–4He liquid mixtures over the whole concentration range at temperatures of 2.25–4.2 K and pressures up to 10 MРa. Low Temp. Phys. 2004, 30, 697-700.
  4. A.S.Bulatov, V.F.Dolzhenko, A.V.Korniets. XRD studies of H-T phase diagrams of Er and Ho. Jour. f Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 147, (1995), 403-405.
  5. A.G.Guglya, V.G.Kolobrodov, R.L.Vasilenko. Electric and adsorption characteristics of nanocrystalline V-(N, He) coatings. Journal of Nanomaterials. iss. “Nanocomposites for Engineering Applications”. 2009, p.246.
  6. R. M. Sibileva, L. V. Karnatsevich, M. A. Khazhmuradov and A. V. Meriuz. Unified equation of state of 3He–4He liquid mixtures over the whole concentration range at temperatures of 2.25–4.2 K and pressures up to 10 MРa. Low Temp. Phys. 2004, 30, 697-700.
  7. A.S.Bulatov, S.I.Goridov, M.A.Tichonovsky and S.I.Novikov. Magnetic concentrator from textured Dysprosium contributed up to 7,6 T. IEEE Trans. Magn. 1992, vol. MAG-26, #1.
  8. I.M.Neklyudov, A.N. Dovbnya, N.P. Dikiy, O.P. Ledenyov, Yu.V. Lyashko // ВАНТ, Ядерно-физические исследования (60), № 3(85), 192-200(2013).
  9. I.M.Neklyudov, A. N. Dovbnya, N. P. Dikiy, O. P. Ledenyov, Yu. V. Lyashko, Features of adsorbed chemical elements and their isotopes distribution in iodine air filters AU-1500 of nuclear power plant, Problems of atomic science and technology, Nuclear physics investigations (60), № 3(85), 192-200 (2013).
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